Much has happened for those that only look in this very place here. Not sure if that is anyone really, but in case there is someone lurking here... Subscribble to my youtube. There has been a ton of development, and I sort of forgot this here over all the other places I have been pushing updates.
#4 - Maps, FirePoint Positioning, Stress Test - December 2020
A big part of the code has been ported to libGDX, fully functional are the map generation and the basic turrets have been roughly tested, including their projectiles.
#5 - Break, Map Selection, Modding GUI, - April 2021
A bit of progress with the map selection, but then everything sort of got stuck in the mud that was the pandemic, I guess. In April 2021 I regained my mojo and pushed through all road bumps and implemented the Modding Interface.
#6 - Positioning Updates, Weapon Rack, Upgrade Panel, Keyboard Control - May 2021
Presumably all about the GUI frame down below is done, keyboard shortcuts work, the only thing missing for actual gameplay now are the ingame menus and Combos.
#7 - All Combos, All Ingame Menus, Challenges, Saving and Loading - June 2021
I can not stress enough how big this month was:
all shooting turrets [except for Targeter]
all modifier turrets
all challenges
savegame saving and loading [except for saved maps]
all Combos
all ingame windows
Now that we are closing in on July I am actually already creating another video, to be released to Patrons tomorrow.
I think I deserve a month of real life break, maybe vacation. How so? These are the things completed end of this month:
firing animations for all Turrets
various image drawing / scaling and positioning fixes
BFG projectile animates properly now
Show turret link status LED
Targeter Turret
Recode SparkEngine to properly visually hit target
Custom Map loading, saving, editing, testing
Yep, that last one is a pretty big one. Also, not sure why I have to justify taking time off.
Anyway, sorry for dumping this all on you. It is late, I will get ready for work. :)